Community Guidelines

  • Be Inclusive
  • Embrace diversity and inclusivity. Our community is made up of people from different backgrounds and cultures. Let's celebrate our differences and learn from each other.

  • Keep it Clean
  • Arada Dictionary is a family-friendly platform. Please refrain from using offensive language or posting inappropriate content. Let's keep the discussions clean and constructive.

  • Stay on Topic
  • Focus on slang and informal language-related discussions. While it's great to connect with fellow community members, let's try to keep the conversations relevant to the purpose of the platform

  • Anonymous Reporting
  • If you come across a post that violates community guidelines or is otherwise inappropriate, you can flag it for review. Use the *Flag* button provided to report the post anonymously. Our moderators will promptly review flagged content and take appropriate action.

  • Avoid Spamming
  • Please refrain from spamming the platform with irrelevant or repetitive content. Let's keep the discussions meaningful and engaging for everyone.

  • Help Each Other
  • Arada Dictionary is a community-driven platform. If you see someone struggling to understand a word or phrase, lend a helping hand and share your knowledge.

  • Have Fun
  • Lastly, enjoy your time on Arada Dictionary! Learning new words and connecting with others can be a lot of fun. Let's make the most of our community and have a great time together.